Stressors in Marriage
Stress has been something that I have not really had to deal with. I think it's been because of my outlook on life and how I view things, although a family is not something that I have experienced yet and I think that that is going to be one of the only things that will provide some type of stress in my life. Usually how I look at things is... if I can control the outcome, then I'll control the outcome and it'll be fine. If I can't control the outcome then worrying about it does absolutely nothing and there's no point in stressing over it. The main thing that I think will change that is I will have a family later on, and not having control of things that only effect me seems totally fine, but not having control over something that is going to negatively effect my wife and my kids is definitely going to cause some gray hairs to grow on my head.
I think a relationship is a huge tool to use when dealing with stress, because now it's not just you vs the problem, it's you and your spouse vs the problem. If anything that doubles your odds of getting past the problem. I know that sometimes there is stress in the middle of the relationship causing a bit of separation between the couple which can be good and bad. It's bad because separation is usually not the best thing to do and stress between the couple can be a large cause of that, but it can be good because it provides an opportunity of growth between the couple and gives them a hurdle that they can get over together.
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